About GCIS (español)What is GCIS?The Global Cluster Initiative Survey (GCIS) is a research project exploring microeconomic competitiveness projects throughout the world. Such projects can take various shapes and go under different names (for example SME development networks, cluster projects, regional competitiveness initiatives, science parks), but cluster initiatives can be used as common term for all. Using an on-line survey, GCIS collects systematic data about how these projects are set up, how they operate, and what impact they have. It also covers the economic and social context in which each project takes place. The purpose is to contribute to the understanding of practices and drivers of performance. GCIS was carried out for the first time in 2003 and provided the first large-scale benchmarking of cluster initiatives in different parts of the world. The survey was financed by the Swedish Agency for Innovation Systems (VINNOVA), and the results were presented in the Cluster Initiative Greenbook, first released at The Competitiveness Institute's 6th Global Conference in Gothenburg, September 2003. GCIS 2005The 2003 survey focused on cluster initiatives in OECD countries. The U. S. Agency for International Development (USAID) has commissioned a repeat of the survey carried out in early 2005, emphasizing issues particular to developing and transition economies. The survey was open to cluster initiatives in any industry sector and any country, and was conducted during Febryary-March 2005. The project team included Göran Lindqvist (project manager), Christian Ketels, Örjan Sölvell, Sydney Lewis, Elisabeth Bager and Jenkins Cooper. Project contractor was The Mitchell Group. Contact person at USAID was Amy Cogan, Bureau for Economic Growth, Agriculture and Trade.
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Updated: 2007-08-30 |